As I rolled down the window to order the cheapest item, a single hamburger, to tied me over, my stomach began to rumble, looking for some remainder of the bowl of cheerios I had had 12 hours earlier, I changed my mind and went for a double cheeseburger with a side of fries. As soon as I had handed over my $4.27, and received the glorious white bag of greasy meaty goodness I tore open the surrounding paper and devoured the entire burger in several large bites, which sent bits of onions, tomatoes, and grease flying through my car. Finishing the burger before I had made it back onto the road, I then set my eyes, mouth, and stomach upon the fries, which I picked up in the largest manageable handfuls I could and stuffed the golden fried goodness in my mouth.

I was finished before I crossed back over the highway to head home, and I immediately picked up the speed to settle my slightly delayed hunger, with the glorious dinner I had waiting at home. To my great pleasure, my mom had cooked steak! Not mentioning the fact that I had just picked up fast food approximately 8 and half minutes ago, I gladly accepted the largest T-bone available, which had just arrived off the grill minutes before I pulled in. After thoroughly enjoying the tender, juicy, delectable, medium rare meat, a loaded baked potato, salad, and a chocolate milkshake to wash everything down with, I sat back completely and utterly full, I attempted to calculate how many calories I had consumed in the last 30 minutes

The beak looks so enticing!I hope that I can take a bite, but actually, what I can do is just gulp munchies now...sigh.
ReplyDeleteAnd your dinner is so attractive and fantastic that makes my stomach rumble~
Late night is always the tough time for starving people.
In my opinion beef is always a good idea for a meal. I could definitely go for a good steak. I haven't had one in ages.
ReplyDeleteNever tasted steak or seen it being prepared but what exactly does medium rare meat mean??Is cooking steak the same as barbequing ?