I have been writing about all my faviorite dishes so as to keep on building the anticpation in me for when I will actually eat them in december. So heres another one of my faviorite dish that I have been eating since I can remember. It called PAV BHAJI. This delicacy even though originated from my home state has fans all over India. As usual it is very spicy and is mixed with onions and lemons as toppings depending on ones taste. It is even topped with butter which instantly melts on the hot curry.

The taste itself kinda mesmerizes you while eating. It has both my favorite flavours, both sour and spicy. It is pretty hard to make at home if you are a beginner. The breads are just fried on gas but the curry is the one that brings all the taste. It is also quite hard if not practised well and couls spoil the taste as well. Here i guess its best eaten in a restaurant but if one does go to any indian restaurant heres a dish to look out for.
You have introuduced many Indian cuisins so far and all of them seem incredibly delicious. It's kind of harsh for me because I am on my diet and starving right now..
ReplyDeleteI've had this before! There used to be an Indian restaurant near my house called Sri Krishna and it was my mom's favorite restaurant. It's pretty good. I second Rhushikesh's remark, it's a dish to try!
ReplyDeleteThe thought of Pav Bhaji always makes my mouth water. I can't wait to go back home in December and taste it again.
ReplyDeleteFrom the picture, it looks like mixture of meat and bread. To be honest, I don't see how this is so special, but I think the amazing part is how the meat is processed. There are many dishes looks so normal but are hard to make. I guess Pav Bhaji is one of them
ReplyDeleteWade you got that part wrong. It is devoid of all meat, completely vegetarian. Also Rhushikesh why do you torment us so. Anticipation is killing me now. Cant wait for December
ReplyDeleteRhushikesh, I'm sure that tastes very good, but it doesn't look so good ( :