One of my favorite food is 粽子(zongzi). It is a special kind of dish that is usually eaten during 端午节(duan wu festival). We eat it in this festival to honor a poet, Qu Yuan, who died because he fought against the government and its policies. He committed suicide by jumping into a river and the people mourned his loss. They searched for him in the river but could not find him so they dropped zongzi into the river to prevent the fish from devouring him. Ever since, it has become a customary tradition to eat zongzi in memorial to Qu Yuan.

The zongzi is made by taking some meat, usually chicken or beef, along with egg and some vegetables and embedded into a ball of rice. Then the rice is wrapped in several bamboo leaves and left in a oven to steam. It is ready after an hour of cooking and can be taken out to eat.

It is truly wonderful and delicious and I have enjoyed it ever since childhood.
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