Friday, August 28, 2009

Bittersweet: Maybe more sweet than bitter

After the initial reading (which I must say, I didn't like at all), I've really started to come on to this book. I started off not liking this guy, Matt. He hated his mother, wanted her dead, then decided AFTER she was dead that no, he does like her and wants her to stay. I mean really!?!? It took your mom dying for you to decide that you liked her!?

Anyways..I regress. So his mom has died and he's found his "calling" we shall say. He has found his new love in the kitchen, cooking for the love of cooking, and also cooking for those that are important to him.

But now, this guy has become a new human being almost. He's caring for his wife, spending time with her, trying to make a new family. In fact, they're going through the intense, and not fun, time of In Vitro Fertilization. But he is still right there with her. But he's not just there with her, he's there with their new child, "Bongo (McAllester 110)". He's going to church, or at least visiting the church where he was christianed (111), which is a lot coming from a proclaimed Atheist.

So all in all, I've come around on "Matty". I hope that he continues to show this good natured side, and comes to realize that there is more to the church thing than just the good times.

McAllester, Matt. Bittersweet: Lessons From My Mother's Kitchen. New York, NY: The Dail Press, 2009.

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