Regardless of where I go. Dinning hall, drink machines, etc. There is no Dr. Pepper! People try to claim that Mr. Pibb is the perfect substitute for my love. I tell you, that is a lie. Mr. Pibb lacks that perfect combination of 23 flavors that sends the tongue into coma of joy. Down with Coke, and up with the red, white, and brighter red. Does anybody feel my pain? Who is with me? Please comment.
By: Sam McDade
"12 pack of Dr. Pepper." From Speedy's 66.
Hmmm...personally, I've never had Dr. Pepper. Reading your blog makes me feel I've missed a great deal. I think I'm going to get one from the convenient store right now!
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain. I really like Dr. Pepper. Sometimes, when I feel like putting lots of artificial chemicals into my body just for the sake of it, I get a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper...if it's available.
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain!!!! I've been raised to drink Dr. Pepper, and the only thing keeping me alive is my limited supply of Dublin Dr. Pepper that my girlfriend has sent me!
ReplyDeleteI've never tried Dr. Pepper.It seems to be attractive and your blog makes me feel like to get one right away and enjoy the great deal.