With all the blogs i read recently, I had no interest in the food or recipes given as I think that unless i taste anything myself ill never know its real taste, so hearing anecdotes about the food was i guess only interesting and a change from my
common reading materials of mystery and suspense novels. As we all were asked in class earlier about our favorite food i thought why not write about mine it'll not only invoke my hunger pangs but also as I learnt a lot about chinese food by reading the others blogs you all might learn something about my favorite dish. - Kunafa......its an arabic dish and since ive been born and brought up in the uae ive known a lot about the different arabic dishes with this one being my favorite.
Ive been eating this since i guess i was 11 or 12, i guess when i actually learnt how to use a fork and a knife because without that its nearly impossible to have this hot but sweet dish!......Actually the main reason was that i hated it when i saw it first my entirely family used to enjoy eating while i used to be bored sitting in the corner just watching them eat....the reason it "weird" and different from my regular food !!!!!silly but yeah..........atleast i learnt that looks can really be deceiving..So whenever we get our reading assignments and however weird or ugly the dish looks like i guess unless u actually try it it makes no sense judging it. The general description of kunafa: A middle-eastern dessert consisting of a base layer made of cheese mixed with milk(or cream) with a crispy layer of dried noodles with a slightly orange-ish color and is often topped off with some syrup. That's the closest i can get to the recipe...not informative but nearly accurate...Here's the url for a short video about making it..sry i could find the english version but atleast u can hear arabic....it says it has english subtitles...so.....try it out if u get all the ingredients next summer maybe..still learning how to upload videos maybe in my later posts..URL - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NekSzNWex5oThe syrup in this picture well
that's the best part it makes all the difference...its like a waffle or a pancake is without the maple
syrup it
doesn't taste that great...well according to me..its been like 2 months now since i had it and i guess another 3 more months to go...but i guess waiting increases the anticipation so u enjoy it more later....I might sound crazy talking so much about one sweet dish but try it once
it ll definitely feel like heaven......

pics from - travellog.org (img3.travelblog.org/.../t/1454175-Kunafa-2.jpg)
picasa web album (lh4.ggpht.com/.../I3OAQ-pwo0k/Kunafa.jpg)
Wow, this looks delicious! I'm originally Indian but lived in Kuwait for more than 7 years and I absolutely love this sweet. My mother even created an Arabic-Indian hybrid of this, creating a type of kunafa that would later go on to becaome very popular with folks back in India.
ReplyDeleteI like the syrupy, spongy texture and the explosion of sweetness in your mouth when you first bite into it.
I'm Palestinian, born and raised in Ramallah, West Bank. The kanafa dish is probably one of my favorite desserts out there. It's warm and it's sweet and has a special way of passing on that same feeling to the eater. I'm used to growing up with having the main dish, waiting a little and then drinking a hot cup of tea, and then having the dessert. There are many other great Arabic desserts but none trully compare to kanafa. I do have to say, however, that as tasty and amazingly delicious as kanafa is, a person really has to be in the right mood for it. A person can't have that full of a stomach because the kanafa dish is filling and if a person isn't in the mood for something incredibly sweet, then kanafa just isn't for you. I encourage everyone to venture out and try the dish. I promise you it's a treat your taste buds will never forget.