Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Franken-Pizza

Last night, three of my buddies and I went out to Ray's for some pizza. I thought it would be an average eating experience, but I was soon proven wrong. As we were looking at the menu, we discovered that none of us wanted the same toppings. Also one of my friends is a vegetarian, so meats were out. We decided to get a stuffed pizza because it allowed us to pick five toppings, one for each of us plus one extra. We all made our choices, randomly chose a fifth, then ordered the pizza. As we waited for it too be made we all started to wonder just how well our choices would taste together. Banana peppers and green peppers were the first two choices, and they go together well. The other two however didn't sound like a good mix. The third and fourth friends had chosen pineapples and onions... The random topping is a great choice normally, but with the ingredients already used, we weren't sure how well it would work. Ricotta cheese. It should also be stated that stuffed pizzas come with a crust on top of the toppings as well as below, and a stuffed crust.

As we waited, we anticipated the flavors that we would soon be enduring. Would they work well together or would they make a horrible combination? Would they make a magical, unexpected surprise of bliss, or would they leave our mouths feeling like they had experienced a world ending apocalypse?

The creation was laid down in front of us. We looked at it curiously. Who would have the honor of trying it first. Unfortunately, it was to be me. I prepared a bit size portion on my fork and faced the moment of truth. I placed it in my mouth, chewed, and the taste i experienced was...

Indescribable. You'll just have to try it for yourself.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was a really good idea to have each person choose a topping for the pizza. I would not have expected onions to go well with pineapple. Now you made me want to try making a "Franken-Pizza" with my friends.

  3. It will be better if you go out with people who love the same thing as you.Every one can enjoy the similar taste and the pizza can be great. I may never try a stuffed pizza cause it indeed requires courage.
