Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tea: bittersweet

When we were assigned to read “Bittersweet”, the first thing that came to my mind is tea. As we all know, tea is a very famous product in China. The color, the smell and the taste all deeply attract a lot of people. To tell the truth, I was not a big fan of tea back in China. When mentioning tea, the first thing I can think of is an elder person with grey hair taking a sip of the tea and enjoying the peaceful and quiet time.

I am too young for that. I always told me so.

But after I come to U.S, when I am surrounded with a variety of soft drinks and coffee, I begin to miss this special taste. It’s kind of twisted between the bitterness of the tea leaves and sweetness which spreads in your mouth afterwards. Bittersweet, just like the book that we are reading.

So last week when I was in a Chinese restaurant, I can’t wait to taste this magical combination of these two flavors one more time. Actually, out of my expectation, the taste of this tea in U.S was just like the familiar taste back in China. I explored the magical feeling of bittersweet once again in a totally different country. Then I decided that next time I went back China I would bring a bag of tea leaves with me, not because I am old enough to need a tea to kill time but this bitter taste is glowing with my sweet memory of my hometown.


  1. Nice link between the introduction and conclusion of the blog! :) In regards to content, I can relate with this pretty well. It runs along the lines of "taking things for granted," I suppose?

    My grandmother cooks most, if not all, the food at my house but whenever I was home, I'd sadly prefer instant noodles from Maruchan. However living on campus made me long for my grandmother's cooking (as well as the fact, food was free and easy to get within seconds). The instant/frozen meals and the dining hall food just does not compare to my grandmother's cooking. I can't pinpoint where the food is lacking but I can only guess it's the fact my grandmother's food is homemade?

  2. Tea has the fragrant smell and the prolonged taste you named "bittersweet".i love tea and it can make me feel the serenity. Maybe next time I will bring some with me.
