Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hot Food

To change up the pace of the regular food blog about people’s favorite foods and delicious meals, I’d like to discuss one of the worst lunch experiences (if you could call it) that I’ve had in a while. It was Friday afternoon of last week; I had just left Dr. Tsao class, and was completely starved after a full day of classes and working out at the CRC with nothing on my stomach but a bowl of cereal that I had eaten at five thirty that morning. I headed to my car for the drive back home in Alpharetta. Along the way to my car, I knew that I needed something to eat, and that I couldn’t wait until I got home, but I was completely unwilling to spend any money on food (being the cheap conservative college student that I am). I then realized that I had some snacks in my car for such an occasion. So I rushed to my car, opened the door and was immediately hit by a wave of hot air, the result of having a car with all black interior sit in direct sunlight all day. So I sat down in my boiling hot car rolled down the one window that works and turned on the A/C and headed out of Georgia Tech. I didn’t get far before I was stuck in Atlanta traffic, which I decided would be a perfect time to eat the culinary perfection of snacks I had sitting in my car. It didn’t take me long to realize that my snacks had been affected by the heat, but I was hungry and didn’t care. So I started my meal off with the only food that was positively affected by the heat, a Rice Krispie treat. The treat was a perfect gooey and soft, just like if it had been placed in the microwave for a few seconds, I quickly scarffed down the marshmallowie treat. From there my mid day snack quickly went downhill. My fruit snacks had been melted and were now single pack of goo. So I of course did what any desperately hungry person would do, and squeezed the not quite liquid not quite solid state of artificially flavored treats into my mouth. I then tossed the gummy bag aside and started on a Swiss Cake. The small packaged pastry would have been good if it wasn’t for the fact that the cake fell apart and was spread throughout my car as I tried to juggle opening the inflated plastic covering and driving my stick shift car through traffic. After consuming as many edible pieces of the fallen chocolate cake as I could manage I proceeded my meal with a bag of Cheetos. I first thought that Cheetos of all things would not be affected by the heat, but I was wrong. Along with tasting a bit stale the Cheetos seemed to have taken on a slightly different consistency which I cannot begin to describe. But despite these factors I finished the bag. After consuming all the delectable snacks I just described, I became rather parched and grabbed the packet of Capri-Sun that had also been sitting in the car. I immediately had to drop the container in shock of how hot the package actually was. The metallic looking container was hotter than the interior of my car. But I was thirsty, so I picked up the container and put the straw in the top and began to drink. Immediately I convulsed as the boiling hot naturally fruit from concentrate flavored drink ran down my throat. I took a few more sips of the drink before realizing that it was neither cooling me off nor quenching my thirst. So I finished my drove home with a slightly sick feeling in my stomach and a promise to myself not to leave any type of food in my car, other than maybe Rice Krispie treats.


  1. Eating melted and stale food. Drinking boiling concentrated drinks. Making a mess of the chocolate cake inside the car. All while you're terribly hungry and tired and driving a stick shift during peak Atlanta traffic.

    Man, I do not envy you. I don't envy you at all. (If that's some comfort)

  2. I'm just surprised you kept going after the swiss cake, *and* after your initial sip of boiling hot Capri-Sun!

    Very vividly described!

  3. Dude, that is never fun! I can't imagine the stomach ache after that kind of meal!
