Sunday, December 6, 2009

Final Project experience

These last two have been quite an eye-opener for me. One of the reason for this was the final project assigned to us. Never have I spent so much time analyzing and studying about food. Never have I interacted with food in terms of cooking and buying. There were also various things that I learnt about my peers that was quite a revelation. Kyle for instance is an immensely talented cook, being able to come up with recipes all by himself and also be able to improvise with dishes when things got tough like in the case of the chicken enchiladas that we presented in our cookbookette. Max on the other hand seems to have realized a new found art of creative writing which he used to the utmost when writing the "authors" page on the website. I also learnt a new thing about myself. My ability to lead a group. I would not judge if it was successful but I wont call myself a complete failure since we did get the project done.
So all in all I believe that this project had a lot to teach us.


  1. I totally agree with you, Karan, you are a good leader, like we said in the presentation, without you, the project wouldn't finish on time. Also, like you said, I also never devoted this much of time into food in relation to English. I learned a lot from this project as well.

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  3. Hey the credit is to you guys, special thanks to the extra effort put by Kyle. He was a great help and extremely professional, never was he late for a single meeting, even the ones I had to cancel. Hats off to you all.

  4. I have learnt a lot from you guys. Thank you very much~ Karan you really did a good job, especially the presentaion you make. Really cool!
