Thursday, December 3, 2009

Steak at Brittain

Ever since I got to Tech, the food I missed most is steak. It was something I had quite often at home, but it's too expensive for Brittain to make and I thought it was too expensive for me to buy.

I was at Publix on Tuesday with a friend when we passed the meats section and I saw that they had ribeye steak on sale for $5.99 per pound. Not wanting to pass up the great offer, I picked up 2 big steaks for $11. I picked up some Montreal steak seasoning and brought it all back to the dorm. I found a friend who wanted to eat with me, and we went down to the kitchen to cook off the steak. I seasoned and pan-fried the steaks, and in 5 or 6 minutes they were finished. We put them into a bowl and covered them to let them rest, then brought them into Brittain. We were able to get some french fries and drinks, so our entire meal only cost us a little more than $5 each.

This was probably the best meal that I have had on campus to date, and something that I will hopefully be doing a lot more often.


  1. they had steak a woodys as well. it was really good.

  2. I'm so disappointed that i missed the chance to taste your steak. By the way, today Brittain offered some decent steak. I mean decent in Brittain's standard.

  3. I tried the steak at Brittain tonight and trust me, it's not even close to what you'll get if you put in the time to buy and cook some yourself.

  4. OMG,I heard from my friends that Brittain today is very beautiful and the food is amazing. However, it't too crowded for me to get in. So, sighn..

  5. Ah steak. I don't remember the last time I had steak. Sounds yummy. Maybe I can convince my dad to make me some when I go home for break. And some ribs would be nice....

  6. Surprise! Last time I ate steak is when I was leaving China for America with my friends. That reminds me of all the happy memories I had with my friends.So sweet~

  7. They did have steak at Brittain for the christmas dinner and it was suprisingly good.. maybe that is why they only allowed people to take one at a time
