Thursday, December 10, 2009

Visual Essay

This is a visual essay depicting the various stages of culinary delight that I encounter every time I go to my favourite chinese restaurant in New Delhi - Ano Tai.

Salad and Appetizer

Caesar Salad

The origins of the Caesar Salad are somewhat controver

sial. Certain historians believe that Giacomo Junia, a native Italian who worked in a restaurant in Chicago, invented the salad in 1903 and named it after Julius Caesar. The majority, however, believe that Caesar Cardini invented the mix in Tijuana, Mexico, in 1924.

Cardini, who owned a small restaurant, was running low on food one day and was forced to create a salad for his guests from what was left over in the kitchen. His original recipe included Romaine lettuce, garlic, croutons, Parmesan cheese, boiled eggs, olive oil and Worcester sauce.

A more filling starter option has never been created. Hats off Giacoma Junia.

Honey Chicken

This is my all time favourite appetizers. The coat of sweet honey, along with the sometime added schezwan sauce calls for a burst of flavour in the mouth. If cooked well the certain level of chewiness and a hint of bitter due to the sesame seeds fails to bore me every single time.

Main Course

Fish Fillet with Black Bean Sauce

I was first introduced to this dish when I was on a high protein diet. This is probably one of the healthiest food options I
have seen outside my home. Steamed fish with vegetables coated by a generous amount of black bean sauce. It has a very unique taste to it bordering on the bitter, but the good bitter if you understand what I mean. The softness of the steamed fish is extremely appropriate and not squishy which would seem very gross in the mouth.


Roasted plums with oatmeal crusted caramelized bananas

Another newfound delight is the caramelized banana and plum. It was an experimental choice and seems to have stuck as my regular dessert choice. It is extremely sweet though the roasted plums gets you back on the ground. Not recommended to those worried about tooth cavities.

And Lastly .......

How can a chinese meal be complete without a fortune cookie. Its origin seems to be a mystery but it is quite an enjoyable tradition. What mine said will remain a mystery for eternity.

Picture Bibliography

  1. Salad -
  2. Appetizer -
  3. Main Course -
  4. Dessert -
  5. Cookie -

1 comment:

  1. Fish Fillet with Black Bean Sauce seems really delicious!!! Fortunately, I get to go back home during holidays to enjoy the big feast of Chinese Food!!!~
