Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brownie Brick

After coming back from the f$u game on Sunday at 7:15 in the morning and then proceeding to sleep until about 5 pm I decided I needed a pick me up. What better a pick me up than brownies?

I was so excited. I had bought an actual 13 x 9 baking pan a few weeks ago instead of just buying the aluminum disposable ones and I had two brownie mixes to choose from: Chocolate Lover's Brownies (Dark fudge with chocolate chunks) and Chewy Fudge. I decided to go with the Chocolate Lover's because those sounded like the pick me up I needed. I gathered all my ingredients and headed to the kitchen.

It was then I realized I had nothing to mix the brownies in. The tupperware I usually used was with a friend and I don't have any bowls large enough to do mixing in. So I went with Plan B: a gallon sized Ziploc bag. Oh Techies and our imaginations. After "mixing" all the ingredients I went to dump the brownie batter into my pan. Guess what? I have the wrong size pan for these brownies. I need an 8 x 8 or a 9 x 9. I said, "Oh well" and continued making my brownies. I figured I would just adjust the cooking times and they would be fine.

Well, I was wrong. Very wrong. When they first came out they looked fine and I could poke them with a knife and they smelled delicious, but when I checked them later I discovered they had become a brick. A brownie brick. A 13 x 9, brown, hard, brick. I was very upset. I wanted to take a picture of my brick but my mom dropped the "brownies" on the floor and the brick shattered. It was a very sad night.

So two suggestions: don't use a bag to mix your brownies (they don't get mixed enough) and don't use the wrong size pan. Or if you do, bake them for less than you think you need to. Otherwise you will create inedible brownies good only for a doorstop.


  1. That sounds like quite a predicament. I would imagine that even if you did manage to keep them soft they would still be incredibly thin. Though the bag mixing ought to work if you are patient enough, you just have to be wary of bursting the bag and creating a gigantic mess.

  2. nice try aleast.....first attempts are usually that way i guess....but they look delicious atleast!!!!

  3. I had a similar experience when making an imitation of silly putty for another class this past weekend. Two differences in my experience were a. the recipe was wrong and b. the entire experience ended in a messy manner.

  4. First attempts are usually not very successful and somewhat embarrassing...I remembered my first time to try to do sushi...And the result is a messy kitchen and piles of rice and pieces of fish..
    Anyway, things done by ourselves are always meaningful and delicious at least to us~

  5. I agree with Elizabeth...the resulting 'brickiness' may have had more to do with the size of pan than the mixing technique.

  6. Oh! That's too bad. They sound really good - I'm surprised they didn't turn out well. I probably would have just eaten the mixture out of the bag! Mmmm! Maybe it was because they were too thin and you just cooked them too long. Sorry, dude.

  7. Nice attempt. I like the fact that practically no cooking gear is needed. It's great for a college student.

  8. Ha ha, I am sorry your brownies did not come out as planned. Thank you for the suggestions, I will never use a plastic bag to mix brownies.
    Michael Miller
