Saturday, October 31, 2009

Birthday Cake!

Last friday was my birthday.
I got to go home and my mom cook me a big birthday dinner.
My mom does not like icing, so we usually get cakes from Korean bakeries in Duluth and Buford Hwy.

My cake was from White Wind Mill Bakery and Cafe.
I was able to find the review on White Wind Mill Bakery and Cafe from the one of the website that Dr. Tiff linked to us when we were talking about the websites with restaruant reviews.

Bakery Cafe Maum and Cafe Mazzart are also famous Korean bakeries. If you guys get a chance, stop by at Korean bakeries !!

Bakery Cafe Maum

Cafe Mozzart


  1. Happy Belated birthday, you should have something in class. Maybe, someone would have brought in a cake.

  2. Happy birthday!
    The cake looks so sweet and lovely!Girls can never resist its attraction!

    Thanks for your share of the Korean bakeries, and for my birthday, I may come and get a cake from them.

  3. Wow that looks delicious. I remember for one of my birthdays I didn't want cake so my mom baked me and apple pie :)

  4. That is very asthetically pleasing! I'm not a huge fan of icing either ( :

  5. Happy Birthday Jason, I thought that all of that fruit piled on the top was pretty unique. Do most Korean cakes have fruit on them? Anyway, it looks really good and nice pink ribbon.

  6. Happy belated bday Jason. Ive usually had chocolate mouse cakes for almost all my birthdays so never really tasted a full fruit cake but this sure does look great especially the way its decorated .Most of a cakes appeal is usually in its decoration i think..

  7. Happy birthday! This birthday cake looks incredible. I bet it must take fantastic! I just love the cake with fresh fruits on it!

  8. Wow I must say, that that cake and fruit on top of the cake looks amazing. I am glad you found a perfect cake for your birthday. I mean what is a birthday without some sort of cake or pie.

    Michael Miller

  9. Happy birthday!

    I've been to Maum...I'll post pictures. It's a great place to study, but one needs a car to get there.

  10. hey, happy birthday dude.
    i hope you enjoyed your cake, which looks awfully good...

  11. I've had a cake like from that store before! I really love them because the fruit is usually sweet and the cake has just the right amount of sweetness. I don't like pastries that are too rich i.e. fudge brownies, chocolate cake with chocolate icing...
