Friday, October 9, 2009

Romantic Dinner or Night Out with the Guys?

Water Haven is located in Tech Square, right down the sidewalk from Moe's. Water Haven opened May 15th of this year. The restaurant features an open patio with tables to dine at, while indoors, an elegant dining section. The indoor dining section will surprise you with its elegance. Tables with white tablecloths, wine and water glasses, candles, and a full complement of silverware. The walls are a pretty plain white, but it doesn't leave the impression of no creativity, it leaves the impression of a clean, well kept and organized restaurant. Then the hanging globe lamps from the ceiling work well to brighten the entire area. Some might believe that by having all of the windows opening to the public what is inside, the diners will lose some of the privacy that they are wishing for. This doesn't happen though, because of the of brilliant layout by the owner, the more private dining is further back, leaving the public to see the bar. The waiting staff is excellent, and will be very patient with you. They know the food and the chefs very well, and will help you pick what you want. They're main focus is to make your experience one of the best you've had at a restaurant. Or if you're in the mood for just something quick and easy, the bar is open to you as well. The service is just as tremendous there as well.

I first found Water Haven when I showed up a day early for FASET 5. My father and I were walking back to my dorm from Barnes & Noble, when we noticed the sign out front. They happened to be having an afternoon special. It was about $6 a person for a grilled chicken sandwich, a drink, and a side. My dad and I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast that morning so we figured, why not?

We walked in and I took a step back. I saw the indoor tables and thought "no way". How could such a nice place serve such a meal for that amount of money? Well we decided to go through with it. So we walked up to the bar to take a seat. We were immediately met with service. The bartender always had a smile on his face. He greeted us, and placed menus, napkins, and silverware in front of us. "What's to drink?" he asked after asking us how our day was going. We received our drinks almost immediately. We told him we were going to do the sandwich combo deal, and he smiled even bigger, "Great choice!" He turned around to the computer, and put in our order while we told him what we wanted. While we waited for the food, our waiter did some work cleaning around the bar even though there wasn't much to clean. However, he never stopped talking to us. He asked us if we were from around town, or just visiting. We went on to talk about the Braves, Georgia Tech, and Atlanta in general. Within no time our meal was out.

The food looked spectacular. The chicken was grilled, not just unfrozen from a package. I had fries with my sandwich, but my dad had coleslaw. Both tasted outstanding. The real treat however, was the sandwich. The chicken was tender and hot, a perfect combination, with some juice still left. The touch of seasoning put some zing on the chicken, making it stand out in your mouth with every bite. We took our time eating, while talking more to the bartender. During the conversation, the bartender explained to us what the restaurant was hoping for out of their location. Being so close to Tech, they wanted to cater to students, giving lunch deals, such as the sandwich combo, but also, they planned to make it a place where a couple could come on a date, and receive the service, food, and atmosphere of a 5 star restaurant at a reduced price. The plan with the patio was to have a band, or musician come a play in the evenings, to give a more relaxed atmosphere.

I believe they've done so.

Since that day, I have been back three times. Every time I have received the same service and care, and the same feeling that these people have come to work and are enjoying themselves. One of those times, I came in about a quarter 'til closing time, around 9:45 p.m., only to find open arms. The service was outstanding, the food wonderful, and the staff made me feel welcome. Even though they were closing up around me, I never had the feeling that I was unwanted, or that they were trying to rush me out. In fact, I had the opportunity to meet the restaurant owner. He was very excited to find out that I was a Tech student.

I have had the Lamb Sliders once, and the Soup of the Day twice, which was superb both times. The lamb sliders were outstanding, coming out fresh. Your teeth just sink straight through the bread and meat, leaving you with the amazing taste of juicy lamb meet. The soup, which was different both times, was outstanding both times. I had a chili once, that had some kind of sausage in it. My waiter had told me it would have some zest in it, and boy did it.

Water Haven has an online site, where you can go and look at the lunch and dinner menu, along with a place to contact them and make group reservations. At the very end, there is an about section. Water Haven uses local produce as well as changing the menus to match the season. This shows just how important the community is to them. Another way is by giving their used fryer oil away to be turned into bio diesel and supporting mass transit on MARTA. All of this and more can be found at their website,

On the Friday night of Parent's Weekend not too long ago, a friend and I went to eat at Water Haven. The first thing we noticed before we even stepped in the door was a sign

welcoming parents of Tech students to the area. The restaurant was more full that night, than I had ever seen it. The service, however, showed no signs of it. Everything still came out hot and fresh, or cold if need be, our glasses were never empty, and the servers were still just as friendly.

Based upon all of the topics covered, I give Water Haven four stars. Their location, service, atmosphere, food, and community are all spectacular, but one of the most important ones, cost, isn't. The meal price can be a little pricy for a student. The small dish prices are pretty good, and unless you haven't eaten all day, will be enough to satisfy your hunger. But if you are really hungry, or just looking to spend some money, in which case let your friends tag along, Water Haven is the perfect choice. You will not be disappointed. So reserve online, bring an appetite, and let Water Haven be your rest from the natural chaos of the world.

Water Haven


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