Wednesday, October 28, 2009

weekend with Sichuan food

During the past two months in Georgia Tech, pizza, fried chicken and salad seem to be the whole thing as my food. Though they are not inedible, I really miss Sichuan food in my hometown. 

Last weekend my friends and I went to China town and encountered Sichuan food.

Initially we planned to buy some Chinese snacks, but when we saw the food court there, all of us could not help but heading for it.( Compared to the American food, Chinese food is always more impulsive.)

Various types of food made our mouth water. Immediately, we saw a sign which said "Sichuan food", the thing I missed most.

We ordered five dishes, and waited impatiently. Then we stowed away one after another as soon as the dish was served. roasted mutton, eggplant, spicy chicken, boiled beef and fried kidney. These are dishes with chilies and condiments. Gulping these spicy dishes with aroma gave us so much surprise and a super feast.(The so-called "spicy food" in America definitely disappeared me.)

This meal appeased my miss for Chinese dishes, and the miss for Sichuan, my hometown.

PS: Sichuan is a province(like a state in U.S.), southwest China.


  1. I know what you mean. I really like the food here but I do miss some of the things I used to eat in India.

  2. The term "Sichuan"sounds very familiar for some reason. I guess I learned something today. Sometimes i'm glad that im going to gatech which is only 20minutes? away from my home, Marietta.

  3. So what part of China is Sichuan in?

  4. Before even reading your blog I knew that this plate that you took a picture of looked like it contained very spicy and mouth watering food. It reminded me of this place my family and I used to go to back in my hometown that was owned by a Chinese family. I don't remember the name of the place, but I definitely remember the food.

  5. I was observing your picture of the dish, and I noticed the chopsticks. I personally cannot use chopsticks at all, and everytime I try, I end up just using my fingers. It is very frustrating, and I am glad you got to have your favorite dish again.

    Michael Miller

  6. The Sichuan food here in Atlanta is not really very spicy to tell the truth. The real Sichuan food can even make the tears come from ur eyes and make your body sweating and I miss that feeling..

  7. Oooh, the dish in the picture looks delicious. I love dishes with dried chilis, it adds a different kind of spicy taste.
