Sunday, November 1, 2009

Molecular Gastronomy

I typed "foodie" into YouTube to see what would come up. I found this video about molecular gastronomy. It's actually pretty interesting. Wonder if there are any ChemE majors in our class that would be interested in this. Hervé This says he doesn't even like cooking or eating food that much. I found it funny and entertaining. Seems like "molecular gastronomy" is pretty controversial though.


  1. This is pretty awesome! Applying chemistry to cooking is a brilliant idea. If I had any chemistry knowledge I would try to apply it to the final project cookbook.

  2. I agree with Sam. Cooking is basically science, and I think that it is pretty cool that scientist and chefs work together to create the best flavors.
    I also think that more people should embed videos onto the blog. It is much easier to watch than read, for me anyway.

  3. At the beginning he was like this is what chefs do now ???is it true??molecular gastronomy related to this?pretty interesting idea people come up with!!
