Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beer and Beard

Austrian Cooking & Baking is by Greter Beer and was published by Andre Deutsch in 1954. This cook book seems quite useful to me. It has a variety of Austrian recipes in English with a picture of Austria on the front. Not only are the recipes in English, but the book contains a metric conversion table in the front. It is also easy to find a recipe because the table of contents tells one everything one needs to know about the recipe. The only part that would need to be improved would be the table of contents because it is difficult to find a recipe.

James Beard did a fairly good job writing Beard on Bread. The reasoning is that the book contains only bread recipes. Besides that one flaw, the book has vivid instructions, an index divided by ingredients and recipes, and beautiful hand drawn pictures to go along with the recipes. He even includes personal notes on each recipe. The hand drawn pictures amazed me because they were detailed drawings of how to knead the dough. Beard on Bread was published in 1973 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

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