Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Search for Wings

A few weeks ago I started something I like to call "The Search for Wings". Haha, no not for flying, but for eating!

The story starts a few weeks ago as mentioned. I was craving wings intensely. (See during the fall of my junior and senior years of high school, a group of friends and I had a little "ritual", per-say, where we would go out on Thursday evenings to eat wings before our Friday night football. So now that you can understand why I am craving wings so much, I will continue with my story.) I decided that I would try to find someplace I could get some good wings. Something to satisfy my craving. My search started in Jackets featuring WOW (World of Wings).

I went in with high hopes, having heard good things from multiple people. I walked up to the counter after about a 2 minute wait. Not bad. Having looked at the menu, I had noticed that they had TX mesquite BBQ wings. Perfect! So I ordered a pound of wings, fries and a drink, grabbed my number and went and waited. About 5 min later my wings are ready. I pick up my box and go back to my seat and sit down. When I open the box, I am very pleased. This is going to be a messy meal. I grab the first wing and take a bite. . . disappointment fills my stomach. The wing just isn't the same. To start with, it wasn't hot, not even warm. Then from there it just went downhill. The wings had just been soaked with the sauce. Most people view this as a wonderful part of eating wings, but when this happens, the meat becomes soggy. It detracts from the taste of the meat. The sauce is to compliment the wing, give the meat a different flavor, but not change the entire taste of the meat.

I wasn't to be deterred. I thought that maybe this was just a fluke, just some bad luck. I went back to Jackets a few days later to try their wings again. This time though, I am going to try a different flavor.

After determining that Jackets isn't going to satisfy my longing for wings, I decided to try Wing Nuts, over off of North Ave. The first time I went, I went with a friend from ROTC. He told me they're wings are good. Well I was certainly hoping so.

I walked in to a good sight. A line. A line is almost always a good sign when it comes to finding good taste. When I got up to the front, I decided to try going with mesquite BBQ again.

We picked up our wings and head back to the dorm to enjoy our wings while we studied. I grabbed my box and was delighted. The box was hot! When we got back to the dorm, we sat down in the lounge and started eating. I opened my box of wings, but only to disappointment. I looked a wings that looked like pigs rolling around in mud. There was just too much sauce. But I went ahead and ate them. It was just like before at Jackets, the wings were too soaked.

And so, disappointed as I am, my search continues, hopefully to have my cravings satisfied. But I may never find the wings that I am searching for here in Atlanta.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear that. Can' t you just ask them not to put too much sause? Actually I have no idea what kind of sause they are using. I don't use any sause for wings. Moreover, what do you think about wings in food court, student center? Also, how do you think about KFC? It's good in China, but I have heard KFC is horrible here. I am not an expert in wings. So, if you luckly find something good, please tell me.
