Monday, September 21, 2009

Ruth Reichi's Blog

After watching the interesting vido about Ruth Reichi, I became very interested in this woman with multiple identities: an editor, a writer and co-owner of a restaurant. So I googled her and found Ruth Reichi's blog! To be precise, instead of calling it a blog, I would rather call it a website since it contained various information about her, her book and her life.

I love the design of this website a lot. It's simple and the signature of Ruth Reichi really caught my eyes. Without diverse pictures and ads (except for the ads of her books), the website could still draw the attention of the readers. The intended audience seemed the readers who liked her books because she used lot of spaces talking about her new books. What I found very sweet about her little setting about her blog was that, she added the receipe section to her website and added a button which allowed the readers to press it and printed the recipe out immediately. This was very thoughtful of her to do that. Though she didn't write much in her actual blog, I still had good impression on this website. Check it out! The link is:


  1. Hanzhen, after reading your blog and looking at the website, I agreed with almost all of your opinions about the blog. The recipe button was a good idea for Ruth Reichi's, in that it was easy for her readers to navigate the website and find the recipes they wanted right away. Also, the lack of ads added more focus on her web page, and helped her gain the readers attention. Now as hard as it is to disagree with a New York Times critic, I do not like the background of the blog. My first impression when I uploaded the website was not positive, and I felt that it was too plain. The bare minimum she could have done was add color to the background, but a picture would have created more attention for me.

  2. The above comment posted by mmfootball24 is Michael Miller. Sorry

  3. I visited her blog and was immediately attracted by the words and pictures contrasting with the white background.
    In her website, there are several sections about her books,media,recipes,biography and her words.
    It is enticing to look through her blog and I found that she is a interesting person in life.
    visiting her blog is pleasing,but reading her book is still confusing to me.
