Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Save Wingnuts!

For all of you who do not know. There is a great mutiny stirring in the North. There is talk of replacing Wingnuts and Quiznos with a North Avenue Dinning Hall. This is an outrage! Wingnuts is the one place that answers our prayers at night. You are sitting in the dorm chilaxing with your friends when, suddenly, somebody turns and says the two most important words in college, "I'm hungry." Everybody knows there is only one "Foodie" savior that can redeem you from starvation at this point, WINGNUTS! The very name makes my mouth water. Nothing lives up to its glorious reputation and flavor. No dinning hall should be allowed to take its place! Something must be done! What can we do to combat this injustice?

P.S. Behind the jovial appearance of my face is a rage that burns with the passion of 9,432.7 suns!


  1. Rush to Wingnuts and block the street?Unrealistic!And as you said,"There is talk of ...".Maybe it is just a rumor(I hope so).
    Actually,Wingnuts "redeem" so many people from starvation.As it has us,who live on it,Wingnuts will be not easily replaced by others and hardly anything can be a threat to its postion.
    Believe that Wingnuts will always be with us!

  2. What?!?! I love Wingnuts. I started hanging out a fraternity at Tech over year ago and when I came weekends the best part was eating there. That will be very sad if they are closing it. Maybe they will relocate? My favorite flavor is the Carolina BBQ but the Chipotle Ranch is very good also.

  3. Personally, I would get rid of half of the student center before wingnuts. The first time I ate at wingnuts reminded me of the first time I heard the Beatles! I don't think that I could survive college without wingnuts!

  4. Yeah, I love Wingnuts too. I think the problem is that the people making "dining" decisions at Georgia Tech haven't ever eaten at Wingnuts and don't realize how special it is to us. I dining hall would be great, to relieve the traffic in Brittain, but it will definitely be sad to see Wingnuts (and Quizno's too!) go.

  5. What would be the purpose of another dining hall so close to Brittain? It would make more sense to put another dining hall by Howey so we could eat in between classes.
