Monday, September 21, 2009

Brittain Dining in a new light

Seeing the hard work my fellow colleagues are putting into keeping this blog alive and kicking, and after seeing the expected, yet dreadful 0/100 for my blog participation has finally swung me into action.

One thing I seem to notice is the negative criticism that our beloved Brittain Dining Hall seems to attract (beloved because its the food that I'm eating there thats keeping me alive). I have experienced a dinner at both Brittain and Woodruff. And the verdict according to me lies in favour with Brittain. What is the first thing that you notice when you see Brittain (from now on referred to as Brit), its has an archaic architecture, and archaic nearly always spells comfort and richness. So Brit scores above Woodruff in the outer appeal category. Now you may ask me what does anything other than the food served make any difference when comparing two dining hall. Here's the thing, the food at both the dining halls is more or less the same everyday. I went around asking people the menu of the day and compared it with Brit and didn't find much difference. So what does Woodruff do that makes people say it's better than Brit. It creates a psychological advantage for itself. The food in Woodruff is spread in a single line, with the salad bar right behind the main buffet table, giving an impression of variety whereas the serving line in Brit is disjointed thus troubling the diner enough to rate Woodruff better. Also if you look at the seating arrangement at Brit, you will agree with me it has a more jovial atmosphere. Long rows and huge (seating 10 and more) round tables makes breakfast, an occasional lunch and dinner a fun experience. Compare this to the 4 seater tables at Woodruff, which make eating more of a personal experience. Also I would like to add that you shouldn't have expected your regular home-cooked meals or gourmet cuisines in college, so if you complain about college food, you just aren't ready for college then.

Good food and opportunity for good company, Brittain Dining Hall has it all. Hence I would request people to not write off Brittain so easily in the future.

(Ideas and views expressed in this post are the authors own personal preferences and should hopefully not spark a debate of any kind. Thank you.)


  1. Amen! I am so tired of people hating on Britain Dinning Hall! I have been to Woodruff several times, and I still say that Brit is worlds above West campus dinning. Get the word out ( :

  2. Brittain looks very impressive but the food is indeed somewhat disappointing maybe because of the contrast to feeling of the building.

    Every time I went to Brittain there were lots of people and little food. Maybe that's why I always feel bored about it.
    Compared to Brittain,Woodroof usually has enough food and the food tastes not bad.And it's convenient for me to go there.(Of course I live in the West.)
    Anyway,I prefer to go to Woodroof.

  3. Brittain is so cool! Maybe because I live on East campus so I go there a lot. Everytime I go to Brittain I felt very familiar and sweet. The light, the food and the architecture style all made me like this place so much. Unlike, woodruff, which is filled with automatic machines, Brittain seems more like home. But I have to admit that the fruits in Woodruff are way more fresh and diverse than in Brittain.

  4. I agree with Karan about the seating arrangements. I haven't been to Woodie's yet but I really like the long tables and the big round ones. It makes eating with a large group of people so much better.

  5. I agree that Brittain looks amazing, but that doesn't make the food taste any better. I can't eat the architecture!!!!!!!!!!!!!
