Tuesday, September 22, 2009

savior for people who stay up

For the first month of life in Georgia Tech, I sometimes felt hungry but that was what I can tolerate.Also, I tried to go to the Woodroof at 10p.m. to be rejuvenated but this action became less effective as I stay up later.

Hence, I went to Publix and bought a box of cakes,biscuits, and cookies in store. As soon as the starvation threats me, I open the box and grasp one of them to survive.

Unwilling to go out and troubled with hunger?Try to live on biscuits!


  1. Ah yes...the late-night study munchies...I remember those well. Now I'm too old and I can't stay up past 1am.

  2. I rely on Pop Tarts, Frosted Flakes, Twix, and Dr. Pepper for late nights ( :

  3. My roommate and I enjoy having ramen noodlea late at night. We always have cup ramens and chopsticks to save us from late night starvation.

  4. If it weren't for the Eastside Market staying open until one in the morning, the late night munchies would destroy me!!! Yaaay for junk food!!!

  5. I can understand the need for food! Yay for staying up until 3-4 a.m. two nights in a row!

  6. I totally agree! The vending machine is definitely my friend. Food really is the best way to stay up late at night. I don't like coffee and munching on yummy snacks just works for me. Here comes the freshman fifteen!
