Thursday, September 17, 2009

Just Desserts

So I'm not too sure about this whole blogging thing but I'll give it a try...

Four weeks into college and I still have not had an altogether great experience at Brittain Dining Hall. Sure there have been the occasional good meals, once last week I had some delicious bar-b-que chicken with yummy sweet potato crinkle fries and mediocre baked beans, and yesterday the Cajun Jambalaya was excellent, but mostly the meals have left me still hungry and with an upset stomach. The one thing that has never failed me however is the dessert selection. I know I'm being a fatty but I usually end every meal (other than breakfast, however I don't know if they serve dessert that early, I will have to check that out tomorrow) with some small form of dessert. This could possibly explain the upset stomach but I'm going to choose not to believe that. So far, almost everything has been quite scrumptious. There were a few treats that weren't quite up to par: an awkward cookie from lunch yesterday (couldn't decide if it was sugar or peanut butter, yeah you think about that), some cheesecake that was too cheesy and not enough cakey, and one or two brownies that just weren't quite right.

My favorite desserts so far have been the brownies with the almost fudge-like top, the brownies with the M&M's mixed in, the chocolate cake with chocolate icing and coconut sprinkled on top, and what I like to call the Whipped Coconut Creme Pie. This has got to be the best pie I have ever tasted (other than my mom's dutch apple pie). It is so light and fluffy and the crumbly graham cracker crust just completes the pie. It really is like eating coconut flavored whipped topping. Maybe it is. I'm not sure. The coconut cream pie at my grandmother's restaurant has a custard consistency, which is what other coconut creme pies I've had are like. But this one is just straight up whipped cream. I'm not even sure if there are coconut flakes in it, it is so smooth and creamy. It just melts in your mouth. The texture is great (unless you don't like eating foamy things) and the flavor is even better. It doesn't have that fake sunscreen-coconut flavor. It tastes like actual coconut.

If you see a pie with a graham cracker crust that is white and looks fluffy, get it. It most likely will be the Whipped Coconut Creme Pie that is oh-so-delicious. If it isn't that pie I'm pretty sure it will be just as good. Even if you don't trust Brittain with the rest of your meals, trust them for dessert.

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