Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Don't stimulate me with Chinese food pictures!

As I left home and went to GT on my own, one of the most different things is food. There are always fried chicken, pizza, and fast food instead of those delicate Chinese dishes. 

However, my parents are enjoying sending me pictures of Chinese food and illustrating how enticing they are, which makes my mouth water. For me at that time, the most intolerable thing is you know how delicious the food is but you can only staring at the pictures instead of gulping it!

Don't stimulate me with the pictures of food, which drives me crazy!


  1. That is kind of rough when this class is always talking about and looking at food! haha

  2. Haha. I can't tell what exactly is your parents' intentions for sending you pictures. It's sort of cute. Maybe since they can't cook for you, they were trying to find some sort of alternative

  3. Now it;s you who are stimulating me with delicious Chinese food pictures... I can't resist any more.

  4. Interesting parents! Anyways I think it would be fine. I believe there would be food which can satisfy you and remember Chinatown will never let you down.
