Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Evaluation of Restaurant Review Sites

Yelp is a useful website to find fun stuffs around you. The search engine is powerful and convenient. You just need to type in what you want and where you are, and you will know where to go. Also, there are reviews written by people who have been there. This would be more helpful than just one review written by a so called professional restaurant critic since different people probably have different opinions about food. While well organized, this site is not that attractive. Very limited images and most parts of the page are all kinds of information. It is more like an information source or database.

Generally, Tastingmenu is not as good as Yelp. Reviews on homepage are just like what on our blog which are good, but the organization of this site makes me confused. When I click “restaurants by city”, I failed to find any review of the restaurant but a list. The list is somehow useful because at least where restaurants are in the city and that’s it. You don’t have any idea how the restaurant is going to be. Moreover, the ‘food photography’ is not effective as it could be. Pictures are not sort by where they are taken. There are just random nice pictures. Although it looks good, especially the banners, it is not a ideal site for looking for restaurants.

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