Sunday, September 20, 2009

Woken Up + Good Food = Worth It!

Being woken up in the morning from a very nice and peaceful sleep by your sister calling to see if you want to go to a mall just for Chinese food is not always a happy experience. But, after complaining for half an hour on the way there I realized that I was tired of the same old boring dining hall food and needed to explore some of the other tastes this city had to offer.

Walking into Perimeter Mall, I was barraged with various phone and makeup offers even though I was texting on my phone and considered my complexion to be not-that-bad. As we pushed our way through the crowd, my sister and I could smell the aromas of the food court. My sister lead me over to a place called Bourbon Street, and much to my surprise and pleasure, I found it very nice and enjoyable, especially their trademark, the bourbon chicken which melts in your mouth.

As we left the mall, I had to stop and get an Orange Julius, my favorite drink ever, and my sister went and got a couple of cookies -- too bad I later dropped mine on the ground. I was really looking forward to it... All in all, the day was much worth the early wake up, and I cannot wait to go back again.


  1. I'm really glad and surprised to know that you enjoyed the Chinese food, because I sometimes wonder whether Chinese food there can be attractive.Actually, it is modified to cater for Americans.

    I can cook some simple Chinese food but maybe only myself can tolerate it.:P

  2. Yeah! I assumed that the "chinese food" here is nothing like the real thing. Hopefully I can go to China some day and taste real, authentic Chinese cuisine!

  3. Haha I love eating the "Chinese" food at the Mall of Georgia. There are two asian cuisine places and a Bourbon Street. I'm sure it's nothing like real Chinese food but I suppose it makes a good substitute for us Americans. Honestly we probably only like it because it's called "Chinese". Americans and their labels.

  4. You said your sister wanted to try some Chinese food, but I am sorry that you didn't really go. Let me tell you something. The breakfast is the best part of Chinese food, especially Cantonese food. We call it " drinking tea". It's not just about tea. It almost covers everything you can eat and every methods cooking food. It usually happens on weekends in China and it takes about 2 to 3 hours. It really amazing. Since I haven't been to a lot of place here, I could only recommend you that there is a resturant in Chinatown offers a sense of Chinese breakfast.
