Saturday, September 26, 2009

late nite dish

While packing to come here my mum gave me loads of stuff to eat....not that i dont get anythin to eat here...but when once in a while i miss the food back home theres I have the things that would remind me of it. In india they have these great inventions welll not inventions ideas like the ready to cook ones here. just a simple powder mix or something where you just have to add boiling water and stir continuosly...Its just a 2 minute . Its usually also for late nights when the dining hall is closed and my hunger pangs have started!
Recently i made rice and sambar. Very easy to make, had bought like a mini microwave cooker for the rice. Just takes 15 minutes. The sambar is a like a powdery mix which i had also brought. Just had to add hot water to it . Mixed it with the rice and my late nite dish was prepared. All these packets of ready to cooks are i guess the best ideas that cooks have come up with till date. Usuallly the cookbook writers and cooking show host are the ones with these brilliant ideas!We too back home have famous cooks and cookbook writers who have actually started commercializing, as these products sell more than their tv shows and books.


  1. That is interesting about the cooks back home. Do they make good American food over in India? What would you say is a suggested meal that I just have to get if I go to India? Late night meals are clutch though, my favorite is definately a cup of noodles. I tend to just get junk food though when I go to the store. It is probably very nonhealthy for me, but it is the perfect taste for a twelve o clock snack.

  2. It is so patient of to cook late night dishes, though what you cook seems to be convenient.
    What I always do is just eat munchies or go out for fast food.

  3. yeah a cup of noodles is the easiet but this is just for my variety....american food u mean burgers and steak???theres lot of fish and chicken but no beef ...pork is probably there tooo...not sure im a vegetarian.

  4. The same here. I also brought a lot of Chinese food with me, but most of them are just snack. I am lucky than you because I can have Chinese food in my friend's home every Friday.
