Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Food does more than just feed you

Looking back at what my family would tell me when I was a little kid, I think my family's crazy. I love them but they never make any sense. And they can say the most unreasonable things with the straightest faces that make you think twice.
(Remark #1)
I was told that if I didn't finish my food, one day the food I threw away will come crying to me and ask me why I threw them away. Can you imagine what that would look like? My food would morph into these beings with disappointed faces and what was I suppose to say back? The thought of it terrified me as a five year old. But, ultimately, I guess it wasn't a bad thing my mom would say that to me because I'm pretty good about not wasting food. It became a habit.
(Remark #2)
-"Hey, do you want the rest of my spaghetti? I can't finish it."
-"No, then I'll start doing whatever you say."
You+Eating the remnants of my food = You obliging to my every command.
Do you see the logic in this? 'Cause I don't.
Does anyone else have family, friends, or acquaintances that do this?


  1. My family is also crazy, and basically that's one way for the family to have fun. My family, on the other, takes more pleasure in trying to make each other laugh so hard during dinner that food comes out our noses. You are not alone.

  2. My family is somewhat similar to yours. Don't waste food, always take what you can finish, and put dishes into the sink.But actually, they are all good habits, right?

  3. The idea behind the first remark is pretty common. My family always encouraged us to only take as much as we could eat, but we were never required to finish everything on our plates. My mothers father did that to her when she was young and she despised it, and vowed to never do it to her own children, for which I am very thankful. The notion that your food will come ask you why you threw it away however is absurd. As is the entirety of the second statement. I have no idea where you could ever come up with a plausible reason for that(being the second remark) to hold true.

  4. Finishing food is a good manner. My family also taught me that, but just not as romaticly as you parents did. I didn't get the second joke though. What is the point here? We help each other and think it as what we should do because we are a family?
