Monday, November 30, 2009

After finishing my last landscape account of the season I decided to venture into the nearby Fresh Market store and to see if they had my favorite ginger ale, Blenheim. To my surprise, after being out of stock since fall of the last year they did in fact have it. After being turned onto Blenheim ginger ale several years earlier, I have frequently ventured to neighborhood higher quality and organic grocery stores to find this rare and spasmodically socked beverage. Blenheim ginger ale is very sweet, but unlike most ginger ale’s contains a lot of ginger making it very hot at the same time, leaving first time drinkers with a burning throat and watery eyes, but once you get past the slight pain of the first swig, the combination of sweet and spicy hot leave the drinker with an enjoyable taste. So needless to say I bought a great deal of ginger ale, just in case it would be another year before I had the chance to buy it again.

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