Saturday, November 7, 2009

delicacy over simplicity

Till now our group has made three courses, including bread, salad, and dessert. The bread part was the most interesting one due to the dough everywhere, on the ceiling, frig, and onto somebody. Licking the raw eggs was really horrible and every body feel so sympathetic to the poor guy..And to taste the dessert required a lot of courage cause it looked not like edible..

For the salad, it was the most successful one~(just boost myself : ) It was so simple that I hardly needed breaks and did it with three steps. HOWEVER, the salad was awesome! It looked enticing and tasted marvelous. The only difficulty was to put the whole salad into our mouths~


  1. It sounds like your group is making good progress! I know that we have also had similar problems. Salads are the best -- just toss and serve!

  2. Ya I difinitely have to agree with Logan, I mean salads can be served quickly. Also, if your really hungry, and do not feel like creating a difficult meal, a salad will do the job in no time while being healthy.

    Michael Miller

  3. Ian, why in the world were you eating raw eggs!?

  4. i noe!!!why was it soo necessary to lick them?

  5. Hope the project is going well for you guys! It seems like you guys are having fun at least.

  6. Looking forward to your cookbooket~ Okay... so if you have chance, promise me to make a salad for me!

  7. I can't wait to see how your bread recipe turned out. I make bread sometimes at home and it's never easy. I can't imagine doing it in tech kitchens with tech ovens.
