Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Time to Britain

So during our final project group meeting after eating the remainder of edible products available I was still hungry, so during a downtime between the steps of one of our dishes I decided to borrow Matt's buzzcard and try out the infamous Britain dining hall for the first time. Following Akash to the hated eating establishment I entered into the dining hall and easily passed as Matt Frasier as the woman scanning the cards did not even check the ID. Stepping into the cafteria I could immediately tell, just from the look of the food, that the rumors were correct, Britain food sucks. The chicken sandwiches which was Akash's only suggestion, looked half petrified. Scanning through the side dishes I did not see a single item I even wanted to place on dish. Crossing over to the other side of the cafeteria I grabbed a slice of what looked like the most unappetizing pizza I had ever seen. Walking to the drinks I was for the first and only time during the meal presently surprised, getting a glass of frozen coke and cherry fanta mixed. After eating only about half my plate I decided to wait until I got home to eat a decent meal.

I was so disgusted by Britain's food that I decided to forget to give Matt is card back to discourage him from eating any dorm food for the rest of the weekend.


  1. yeah yeah, that's great and all, but that also keeps me from eating....anything

  2. Borrow other's buzzcard to eat is a good idea. Many roommates do it all the time since I have unlimited meal plan. I am planing that the next semester we can cut our cost of eating by share one unlimited meal plan

  3. I always lend my buzzcards to my upper classmates, they are trying to save money, but they dont care how bad the food at Brittain tastes

  4. Hahahahaha Britain is so depressing. What if matt had died of starvation? Would you have felt bad?

  5. Welcome to my culinary life! Impressive isn't it?
