Sunday, November 15, 2009

There's Some Food

During our most recent group cooking video meeting, I became very hungry during the process and decided to experiment with the available resources we had to make a quick snack until our food was ready. Using the left over meat from one of our recipes I made a bun-less, condiment free burger. After piling the meat into a semi-square round patty, onto one of the skillets we weren't using I marinated the beef in coca-cola and cooked the patty. After applying a good bit of salt the pile of beef was pretty good despite the lack of burger fixings. After finishing the meat I decided I needed something sweet. Digging through the refrigerator I found the leftover whipped cream that I had made two weeks ago during our first cooking session. Taking a handful of the whipped cream I decided to experiment and apply a layer of honey to it. The combination was delicious and was followed up nicely with a handful of left over chocolate chips.


  1. Haha, I remember this. But you truly missed out on the lasagna! It was wonderful!

  2. haha. we started our cooking video @ eleven saturday, we ended up finishing it by 3. I was so hungry. I felt like eating everything we were making.

  3. Lol, I wasn't sure where your story was going but I'm glad it had a happy ending.

  4. I think michael Pollan died when he heard about that last concoction! LOL
