Sunday, November 1, 2009

group cookbook project experience

Today are final project group met to put together are recipes and see how well they taste and look. After getting into one of the dorm houses with from what I have been told is one of the better dorm kitchens. Although none of us are the best of cooks we each worked together to prepare and cook are dishes. After four hours, 3 papa johns pizza's, countless ingredients, and two and half Scary movies laters, we decided to call it quits after making breadsticks, salad, and profiteroles. During the process we also watched as Ian attempted/got bread dough stuck on the ceiling, start a dough fight, burn himself, and lick a raw egg. Needless to say I think we all had a pretty good time.


  1. Oh, I believe so. Next weekend should be great! Maybe we won't get so distracted by the tv next time. Or maybe we will. Who knows!

  2. Dude. We should get a projector and watch football next time!

  3. Don't forget the smiling face on the frig and chocolate~

    And try to keep away from TV~(BUT if there is a football game or an interesting movie..go for it!)

  4. That's hilarious! You guys are off to a great start. I wish that we had a cool story like that to tell.

  5. Wow, I never thought a food project can cause so much hilarious/interesting events at once. Our team has incountered some odd situatuons also while completing the project. Thats where the bloopers become part of our project.

    Michael Miller

  6. Logan, we do have a story like that....we just can't tell it. Remember? LOL
