Sunday, November 15, 2009

The mysteries of eating alone

I noticed something odd when it comes to food. It seems that most people do not like to eat alone. It's weird, but up until college most students that I would see absolutely hated to eat alone or even going to just get food alone. Students in college are more into their own thing so they don't mind eating alone. When I was sitting in the student center at the food court the other day, I looked around and noticed that over one third of the students were actually eating by themselves. However, they weren't just eating, they were either listening to music, on their laptops, or talking on their phones. I think I'm the same way. It is not that I don't like eating alone, it's that I like to be doing something else while I am eating, but not always. But what is that fear that compels people to not eat alone? What are they afraid of...?


  1. At my high school it was pretty rare for someone to eat alone, especially on a normal basis. Once you get to college things change. I am sure a part of it is because some people just enjoy time to themselves (after a hectic week here, I know sometimes I just want to be left alone). But another part of it is the community: most people don't know each other on this large campus so people sit by themselves.

  2. When you are younger, everyone's schedules are pretty much the same because you are young and have nothing to do. However, in college, everyone's schedules are so packed that we do not have time to eat together and socialize. For me, eating only takes 15-20 minutes of my schedule because I have sooo many other things to do.

  3. People are afraid of meeting new people. Talking or listing to something or someone makes it appear that that person is busy and so does not want to be interrupted. That's why you need to randomly approach new people, find common ground, and make new friends. This way you always have the pleasure of being with and talking to someone while you eat, and you gain the choice to always sit with someone.

  4. I am definitely one of those people who compell eating alone. It may be about my personality or something else. I just don't feel comfortable about sitting in the dinning hall with nobody around. It's weired because most of my friends have already learnt to feel comfortable about eating alone. I suppose I am just not grown-up enough.

  5. I don't mind eating alone, in fact I usually do. Mostly it's because I don't have anyone to go with. On the weekends I can usually find people to eat with me.

  6. I am one of those who are afraid of eating alone. It's somewhat lonely and silly to be alone.To stay with the others makes me feel safe. If I am alone, I always bring my laptop with me so that I "have something to do".

  7. i guess its the different schedules...but sometimes i prefer the solitude kinda good ...but eating with people is great fun tooo!!1be it new people or friends..and with people from soo many countries you tend to learn a lot.

  8. I don't know. I actually don't like eating alone. I try not to whenever possible. I guess I just enjoy the company of others while I eat.

  9. I donno. I guess since we were so little, we ate with someone. When I was baby, there was someone that feeds me and as I grew up I had family to eat with and friends to eat with. So, this eating with someone became a habit i guess.

  10. I guess the reason people don't like to eat alone or prefer eating with people is that ever since elementary school, one of the few times you get to socialize with friends during the school day is during lunch, which has accustomed most students to the idea that eating is a time to socialize.

  11. I like eating with people but I don't mind eating alone. It's just more convenient sometimes; When I have to be somewhere soon and need to make a dash into the dining hall, it's easier for me to eat on my own.

  12. I just ate alone. It was pretty much the saddest period of my lifetime. Just kidding, just kidding. .....But seriously.
