Sunday, November 29, 2009

Miami's Burger

Thanksgiving is not a festival that Chinese people celebrates, I’ve been to the United States for almost 4 years, I have not figured out the history behind thanksgiving. The only thing I know is eating turkey. I didn’t go back to home at Pittsburgh, instead, I went to Miami with three other friends. One of them is Wade, he is a big time Heat fan, and so we went to watch the game of Heats against the Wizards. Unfortunately, the Heats lost. The day of Thanksgiving, we spent most of the day drive down there. Before the game on Friday, we went to the Miami Beach enjoyed some sunshine, the weather was wonderful. After beach, we ate at a restaurant next to the beach called the Jonny Rockets. I ordered the famous burger, which has two slices of patties, lettuce, mayo, barbecue sauce, as well as my favorite bacons. The burger was very tasty, especially eating the burgers at dinning hall basically everyday, the burger at the Jonny Rockets tasted 10 times better. However, the only drawback is the size of the burger, it was too big, after finishing half the burger, the mayo, lettuce, and barbecue sauce all came out of the burger, it was so difficult to eat it as a whole. I was also surprised that the waitress didn’t ask me how do I want my patties cooked. I normally like to eat the patties well down, the burger came out is well down, so there is nothing too much I can complain.

The vacation was wonderful, but the drive was extremely terrible. Dead week and finals are coming, this trip has energized me spiritually, I hope I can do well on the finals.  


  1. Yum..
    Thant mustve been really good!
    How long did it take yall to get to Miami?

  2. Going to Florida for break must have been nice. I dislike cold weather. I want some sun!
