Sunday, November 15, 2009

Instant porridge~

Before I come to US, I only saw instant noodles. They were absolutely delicious , lack of nutritions and contain high calories. However, during my recent visit of Farmers Market, I found a kind of food which is as tasty as instant noodles and low-carb. It is.... instant porridge.

Basically, it's also something that can be cooked using a microwave. The process of cooking is quite simple. You just need to pour the ingredients in the cup and put it into the mocrowave and after two minutes. You get yourself a delicious porridge.

Like the instant noodles, it has various flavours. Some are salty and some are sweet. My favourite is the one with seaweed in it. Actually, the taste is not that heavy, so your stomache can take a change after eating all those deep-fried chicken and hamburgers.

I got that from Farmers Market and like it very much. Have a try if you go there.


  1. I know in the American story about Goldilocks and the three bears they eat porridge but I don't think I've even seen it or know anyone that eats it. Is it along the same lines as oatmeal and grits? That's what I always thought it was like.

  2. lol neither have i ever tasted porridge!!coz it always looks weird ..but lately there are soo many instant cooking stuff that i think can help you get over missing i definitely plan to get loads of instant cooking dishes in december

  3. Interesting, I've actually never eaten porridge before. That will be something new for me.

  4. My mom used to make porridge when I was little but I it's been a while since I've had it. Maybe I should stop by the Farmer's Market...

  5. You should make this porridge along side of your coco-cola chicken wing as an appetizer.
