Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eat like no one's watching

I was looking out of my mom’s car and I saw two guys munching on chips happily, hungrily, and finger-lickingly in the marta parking lot. They were talking and chewing with their mouths full. I don’t know why, but it was a cute little sight that brightened up my day. And I thought, it may not please an etiquette teacher but it was a great way to eat- losing all inhibition and eating without having to worry about mannerisms. They looked like they enjoyed their food way too much to care about anything else. That’s the way to go.


  1. I agree. Eating with no inhibitions is definitely more fun than worrying about the proper etiquette.

  2. Having good friends who don't really care how you eat helps too.

  3. I have a bad habit of using too many napkins when I eat. By the end of any meal, my plate has a mountain of napkins on it. I am not a messy eater, exactly, I just have the tendency to constantly make sure food is hanging from my mouth. Friends like to point our my 'situation', which I agree is a bit wasteful.

  4. I have a predicament similar to Josh's. I am actually a very neat eater; out of my entire family I was the one who spilled food the least. However, I hate the feeling of having food and grease on my fingers, I don't mind eating with my hands, but every time I put my food down I have the compulsion to wipe off my hands, even though I KNOW I will be picking something else up shortly, which leads to my using an absurd amount of napkins or eating by a sink.

  5. yea, some of the food make you do that. You just can't think about the mannerism when your having a good food.

  6. It's been so nice outside that I think we all want to spend as much time outside as possible. Anyone up for a picnic?

  7. Ha ha I love that feeling, where your so hungry that any sort of food will make you feel amazing inside. I actually just experienced that while I enjoyed two meatball subs and cookie cake at Woody's.

    Michael Miller

  8. Next time we are eating together, I will make an effort to be more sloppy ( :

  9. Totally! That's the way I eat when I'm eating wings! The only way to go!
