Sunday, November 29, 2009


After I got home on Wednesday, my mom started baking. Now I think my mom is a wonderful cook but she is also amazing at desserts. Every fall and Christmas we have cookie baking days where we just make dozens of different types of cookies and desserts. It is so much fun. For Thanksgiving my mom made a couple different cakes and cookies. We had brown sugar cake, pumpkin cookies with maple frosting, I made the pumpkin pie, and my favorite dessert: rum cake. This cake is made with actual rum (although I believe you can use rum flavoring but it doesn't taste as good) and then has a rum and sugar glaze poured on top. It's traditional to make it in a bundt pan. This cake is just so moist and has a tingly feeling when you eat it. Most of the alcohol evaporates so it's safe to eat. When I was coming home yesterday I asked if I could take the rest of it back with me. So now I have half a rum cake sitting in my dorm room. It's very tempting to just eat it now. Yum


  1. Wow... it sounds like a festival of desserts! I rarely had any homemade desserts. The most frequnt thing I eat is the cookies from the Brittain Dinning hall... sigh..

  2. Well my mom gave me some cookie dough to bake. I was thinking about bringing in cookies tomorrow....

  3. I think it is funny how moms can whip up a ton of different types of desserts that you have not tried or heard about. That is a good call bringing it back to your dorm, I always crave food back in my dorm and it is great to have home cooked meals too.

  4. My mom's a great cook but one thing she never really did was bake. She said she doesn't have the patience for baking or something along those lines. Your house must smell amazing when she's baking. I love the smell of freshly baked cookies. Whenever someone's baking cookies on our hall, I get the a dire crave for sweets.

  5. My mom used to make rum cake all the time. Its one of the things I'm looking forward to when I go home.
