Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pizza Disaster

I went to diner at Britain dining hall tonight to get some grub. Little did I know the complications I was going to run into in the process of getting my food. It was no surprise when I walked into Britain and could find nothing but burgers and pizza to eat. With the narrow choices available, I choose pizza. I grabbed two pieces of pepperoni pizza and nonchalantly closed the pizza heater. It wasn't three seconds before I saw a wall of pizza falling out of the container. I made the best effort to stop the disaster to no avail. When it was all over, I found my hands burned, pizza on my shoes, and a very unhappy employee giving me the "stank eye." After about five minutes of cleaning up the pizza, it was all over. I'm scarred for life, but it will never keep me from my true love of pizza ( :


  1. Ha ha! I am sorry to hear about your disaster with the pizza. But I totally understand you, like it is such a horrible feeling when you are so ready to eat, and you spill your food everywhere. Happens to me all the time with cereal, NOT FUN!!!

  2. I agree! Accidents may occur from time to time, but it will never stop our passion for food!

  3. Ha ha ha! Poor guy~
    But accidents cannot stop our chase for food no matter how terrible the food is in dining hall!

  4. Ah. The dreaded "stank eye" of the Britain employees. I know the feeling...

  5. Ahhhh....I've always dreaded that. Every time I get pizza I always worry that that will happen to me. But like you, that fear will not keep me from my love of pizza!

  6. Awww. I've had a mishap at Britain too! I put a bagel in the toaster revolver thing and the bagel never came out. I saw one spark and then found out one of the employees were standing close by. woops?

  7. ha ha thats sad. That kind of stuff happens to me too. One time I left a waffle in the waffle iron for too long and it started smoking. I had to take my waffle out of the iron with several angry employees staring at me. Didn't stop me from enjoying my tasty(albeit crispy) waffle though. I'm sure you'll be back in the pizza line in no tome.
