Sunday, November 22, 2009

Food Shortage

I have been criticizing (the constructive type) the food service at GT since my first blog. It started of in a very positive light, but then things started falling apart. First the food at Brittain started dwindling, not getting bad, but just became less. Then Eastside market became a disappointment. But this is the final straw. It seems that the dining halls will be closed for the thanksgiving break. I completely understand that people working in the dining hall need the holiday but it seems in this equation they forgot about out-of-state students. Some students like me will be staying back for the break and have been left hanging as to "where our next meal is coming from" :P . Well hopefully with god's grace we will be able to figure something out.
Have a great extended weekend.


  1. I was surprised as well to hear that the dining halls weren't going to be open at all on Thanksgiving day. Hopefully some restaurants near by will be open

  2. I am surprised too that dinning hall is not gonna open on thanksgiving. That force me to drive to orlando then.

  3. I think its very unfair to students staying back over thanksgiving that the dining halls will be closed.
