Sunday, November 29, 2009


This was the my first thanksgiving ....well holidays for it and the best thing about it was ofcourse the 4 days of vacation and no dining hall!!!!but i didnt know that everything would be closed, completely!!For three days everything was literally closed. So i ate complete junk for three day from the gas station opposite varsity......Fun break from the dining hall food i guess but for the first time in three months I was happy that the dining hall opened today!!Me and my friends had a great time in these four days ..saww many movies,relaxed a lot before the massive studying starts next week!!now alll im looking forward to is 12th december...


  1. Hey dude I am looking for the same 12th december, actually my exams get over on the 10th. Hey I had a similar experience like you, as I stayed on campus I too literally longed for any of the dining halls to open as fast as possible as everything around was shut.

  2. I can't believe they didn't offer some kind of alternative for the students who were still going to be on campus. But it's understandable though, the GT staff needs a break too. But I'm glad you still had a great time over the break!

  3. Wow. look at what it takes to make someone wish that the dining hall was open... Three days of starvation.

  4. There really should be some alternatives for students.
