Friday, November 27, 2009

The joy of a homecooked meal

It's been a while since I have eaten a meal not prepared by a stranger. I must say it feels good to be able to eat food prepared at home for some reason it just tastes better perhaps because more care is taken in it's preparation and the person preparing the food actually actually knows who they are catering to. I wanted to know everybody's view on homecooked food.


  1. Homecooked food is really good. Meals that you grew up eating are the best because they are so familiar. Unfortunately my family came up to visit me instead of me going to see them, which makes having a homecooked meal rather difficult to do. XD

  2. Homecooked food is awesome. This thanksgiving break, I pretty much had all homecooked meal which i enjoyed a lot.

  3. I love homecooked meals because I pretty much know what I'm eating or I can easily find out. And I find it more comfortable eating on my couch at home in front of the tv rather than on some table in a restaurant or dining hall

  4. Homecooked food is always our dream meal. It;s even harder to achieve as an international student. I miss my homecookings
