Saturday, November 7, 2009

After Six Flags.

My friends and I went to six flags yesterday. After riding pretty much every rides, we were hungry. Then someone suggested, "Why don't we go get some Korean food?" It is not hard to get Korean food as long as one has car, because about 10 or 15 minutes away from GT, many Korean restaurants can be found. The only problem we had was there isn't going to be many restaurant that stays open till midnight. Anyways we all got into the car. I fall a sleep and got up by the time we arrived at restaurant. I didn't know where we were at first, but as soon as I saw the name of the restaurant, I knew exactly where we were. I had been to that restaurant several times before. Also, the surroundings were so familiar to me. I ordered a soup that I usually order and my friends ordered what they wanted to eat. We were sorta loud before food came out, but once food came out, we were so busy to fill up our empty stomach. We all enjoyed our food and came back to campus with happy stomach.


  1. :D Nothing beats a fine finish with a full stomach after so many thrills!

    On my way to the bus, my boyfriend and I had a similar finish where we ate the funnel cakes they sell near the entrance. It was a pretty good funnel cake although I bet apples would have been better than strawberries. :)

  2. Where did you go? I didn't even know there was a Korean restaurant open until midnight. I want to try it!

  3. I went to a steak and shake after 6 flags,it was really good.I am glad, I didn't go before the rollercoasters.It was a good experience.

  4. That is good you found a Korean restaurant that was open that late. What is the name of that restaurant, I have not had much Korean food in my lifetime.

    Michael Miller

  5. I don't think I have ever had Korean food. What is it like?

  6. 6 flags was amazing!!!!!but after it when we tried to fill ourselves at six flags itself only one restaurant was open and they has only like 3 slices left so we had to share as something was better than nothing and we didnt want to go to any other restaurant afterwards..

  7. Me toooo~ After coming back from six flags, I was starving and few restaurants were open. So I went to Wingnuts but I would definitely want to go to a Korean restaurant!

  8. Were you guys around Buford Highway? I know there are a lot of Korean restaurants in that area. I think I've had Korean food once before. It's pretty spicy

  9. What's the name of the restaurant? Me and some friends have been looking for a good Korean barbecue place. We have a great one back home. Bulgogi is one of my very favorite foods and it would be awesome if I could find that around here.

  10. I just figured there are way more korean resturants here than Chinese resturants. Many China towns I have been to can't be called China town. They are Korean town indeed. Anyways, they all serve nice Aisa food.

  11. So Kong Dong Tofu House near the Buford Highway Area has pretty awesome Korean food. They give you A LOT of food too, including a nice selection of banchan (little appetizer dishes) which comes included with your meal! It's located at 5260 Buford Highway NE.

    Search for "So Kong Dong" on Yelp and it should come up.

  12. I wrote a blog post about the restaurant i visited that day
