Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hot chocolate ice cream

My friend Giulian recently showed me a fantastic new dessert idea at Brittain. As many of you know, there is a new coffee/hot chocolate machine in the dining hall, and the hot chocolate that it makes is way better than the old machine. Here's a way to make it even better: Fill a cup with about 2 inches of ice cream on the bottom, then go to the hot chocolate machine and fill the rest of the cup with hot chocolate. Let it sit for a few seconds. You may have to tap the bottom of the cup on the table a couple times, but eventually the ice cream will float to the top. As you drink it the ice cream melts, creating a thick creamy layer on top of the hot chocolate (it's like the layer formed by whipped cream, but much thicker). The combination of hot and cold is also really interesting. It's one of my new favorite things to get at Brittain.


  1. That sounds really interesting. I want to try that now! How did your friend even come up with it?

  2. That sounds great! Anyway, I love chocolate~ I'll try next time I am in the dining hall~
    By the way, Woodroof's ice cream machine has been broken for days, I really hope it can be repaired as soon as possible~

  3. That really does sound quite interesting. As a side note though, I personally liked the old coffee machine MUCH better. I never tried the hot chocolate, but they took away the basic coffee dispenser in woodruff and it made me very sad. I hate the "size" dispensing. I much prefer to adjust the amount of liquid that I want myself

  4. I've always used marshmellows. And I LOVE hot chocolate.
    I'll definitly eat this!

  5. I was recently dared to try this when I had gotten a chocolate mocha and a bowl of ice cream in Brittain. Separately, it still produced a really good taste and even better together when at the end.

    On the side note, I also miss the old coffee machine due to controlling how much of the drink I could get. I've had more instances where the drink I'm getting is overflowing (and therefore burn me Q.Q), especially when Styrofoam.

  6. That is something to try on a cold winter night or to satisfy a sweet tooth.

  7. That's pretty much incredibly awesome! It's funny how Britain forces you to be more creative with food than you ever have.

  8. Its really good. I make it all the time now.

  9. my roommate started making milkshake. He would put ice cream, syrup, and milk then stir it with a fork. It looked delicious.

  10. Cool. I will try it later, but I expect it to be something similar to chocolate milk. I remembered that I used have similar dessert in Mcdonalt's back in China.

  11. That sounds like a good idea, I have always mixed the ice cream with just the milk to make a milkshake, but I will definitly try the hot chocolate ice cream. I wonder if ice cream and hot french vanilla would go good together.

    Michael Miller

  12. Hot chocolate is the best. Especially when it starts to get cold. I have not tried hot chocolate with ice cream before so I would like to see how what takes. I have always just added marshmallows or whipped cream.

  13. I believe it will be extremely delicious since it is very sweet... However, I don't have sweet teeth,so ... I will try my best to find something good in Brittain

  14. The combination of hot and cold reminds me of fried ice cream- hot on the outside and cold on the inside. Ice cream floats are something else to try out but this one is less creative/ more well known. I'm sure some of you guys have tried this one. You just fill your cup with a bit of ice cream and the rest with coke.
