Sunday, November 1, 2009

Quick and Easy recipies

Click here: To The Website

As college students, we don't have enough to cook for ourselves. That is why we pay money to the dining hall to cook for us. I got tired of eating at Brittain Dining Hall and started to go outside more to eat. The food tasted good, but I realized that it costed me too much money. Then I decided to cook for myself. I started to look around for website that had compilations of quick&easy recipies. I found this website called LifeHack, which posted this article that had recipies "over 100 Quick and Easy Healthy Foods." The article easily organized the recipies by diving them by type of foods. Also, the recipies were very simple and easy to follow. It might have been better if it had pictures of the finished food.

I'm planning to, once i get enough cooking supplies, cook one of the recipies in the article.


  1. i knew this other website also called the i think...not sure but get great ones there tooo..never cooked any but still worth a try once in a while to get away from dining hall food...

  2. That seems like a great idea. Maybe i should try it. However, i feel like cookware might be kinda expensive.

  3. Quick and easy is a must for college. Unfortunately I have zero cooking implements.

  4. Well, if I have to cook, or if I were to cook, I would just go for something that takes long time and much effort to make. I enjoy looking at my what I cooked for long time and with much effort after when I am all done.

  5. If you're looking for recipies, the places that I use are (it's easy to find different types of recipies because they sort by show), and (where you can search by main ingredient or type of dish).
