Monday, November 30, 2009

After my families early Thanksgiving dinner we hit the road and headed to Austin Texas. After about seven hours on the road we decided that we were hungry again needed to eat. But of course trying to find anywhere open to eat on Thanksgiving is near impossible. So after going through several exits, we found a cracker barrel that was open for Thanksgiving. Looking through the menu I saw that they had Thanksgiving special, consisting of roast beef, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green beans, gravy, stuffing, sweet potato streusel, and a drink all for eight dollars. So despite having much of the same dishes several hours earlier, I decided to try the Cracker Barrel version. As it turned out everything was very good, but of course not as good as my mother’s home made Thanksgiving dinner.

1 comment:

  1. lol of course it wasn't. theres nothing like home cooked food.
