Monday, November 9, 2009


Today, I found a dish that I wasn't expecting to see. Ratatouille. Brittain was serving it around 3 o'clock today. To be honest, the only reason I knew it was there was because of the movie watched during class. I remember seeing what the dish had looked like in the movie, and the dish at Brittain just caught my eye and I had to go look! To my surprise, the dish was great! I loved it! I really hope Brittain decides to serve up this dish again!


  1. I don't think what you found in Brittain is any where close to what we see in the movie. In the movie, there are some special sauces, but in Brittain, it almost has no taste.

  2. Was it made like a pie or was it the one served in the bowl? I wonder if Brittain bought it frozen or just threw in vegetables.

  3. I'm sure its no where close to the movies but it must have been a good attempt if you said it was good. I think they probably just threw in some vegetables and whoever made it just happened to make it somewhat tasty.

  4. So incredible that you recognized it according to the movie. Cause what Britain serves can always be puzzling~
    You sure it is great? I will never try anything new or strange in Britain~

  5. I'm very impressed that Britain could pull that off. Maybe they had little rats working back in the kitchen ( :

  6. Honestly, I'm not surprised that Brittian tried to cook the uncommon dish. If nobody knows what it's supposed to taste like, then can they really complain about it?

  7. Yet, I do not know what ratatouille taste like or looks like.

  8. I guess Brittian's trying to diversify its menu. I'll look out for it, I've never had Ratatouille before
