Sunday, November 15, 2009

Go Hyang Jip

The other day, Dr. Tiff told me I should mention which restaurant I went after six flags.
So here it is.

The Korean restaurant that I visited is called "Go Hyang Jip" which means hometown restaurant. As I was ordering, I thought of the blog post assignment, so I took a picture(before got our food). Also, I told myself to take a pictures when food comes out, but I forgot. I was so engaged with TV and was hungry. I decided not to upload the pictures I took before I got my food, because all I could get out of pictures was little bit of interior of the restaurant.

I was able to find reviews on
here's the link:

Go Hyang Jip

I think most of people mentioned how it stays open late. I think this is the best feature of this restaurant. Oh yea, also food here is very cheap. I think my soup was around 7 dollars. Oppose to Go Hyang Jip, the restaurant that Dr. Tiff mentioned So Kong Dong is famous for their Tofu soup. Whenever I go there, I always order tofu soup combo with Korean BBQ. Generally food at So Kong Dong cost more than the ones from Go Hyang Jip; however I would chose So Kong Dong over Go Hyang Jip.

So Kong Dong


  1. Thank you a lot about your information. I have been to some Korean restaurants with my Korean friends but I have never been to this one before, maybe I can tell them about this one and go there together~

  2. I have never been to a Korean restaurant.How do you like this restaurant?If it is delicious, I may have a try~

  3. My dad works around that area so I can probably ask him to take me to one of these restaurants one of these days.

  4. Oh you should definitely try one of those restaurants (: But, I'm telling you, I would go somewhere else over Go Hyang Jip unless it is late at night when every restaurant closes.
