Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fueled By Ramen

So one time I was talking to my friend and some how we started talking about food and I mentioned I had never eaten Ramen noodles. Well he flipped out and was like "You've never had Ramen!?!?!?!?" So then we made a pact that we would have a cook out, I would make brownies and he would make Ramen. Except one night I was really hungry and Brittain had already closed so I decided to make Ramen on my own. I didn't have pan to cook it on the stove so I looked up how to cook it in the microwave and just did that.

I decided they weren't completely horrible, but definitely not the best. They would have tasted better if I had some vegetables or meat to put in it.

A few days later I was Stumbling and I came across something that had different recipes that used Ramen. Some of them sounded really good, I may have to try a couple!


  1. Ramen can become a staple of your diet if you don't have much else to eat. By itself it is rather substance lacking; since it is just noodles and a very salty powder, but combined with other things it makes a very good meal

  2. I do like to eat ramen even though it is pretty bland. Two thumbs up on the link! I have a lot of ramen stocked up in my dorm that I still haven't eaten yet so I can try few recipes.

  3. They're definitely not that great on their own -- at least this kind. The one that are already in the cup at least have some vegetables but not much. In addition to the lack of vegetables, Maruchan Ramen also has ALOT of sodium, which my grandmother told me led to high blood pressure (her reason to stop eating it).

  4. You've never had Ramen!?!?!?!?
    Ramen is the thing that we can always live on, especially when the dining hall is closed and we are so hungry that we don't want to wait anymore.
    Though Ramen noodles are not that tasty without vegetables and meat, and they are said to be unhealthy, we cannot resist them~We have to fight for homework and Ramen can be our good companies.

  5. I have still never had any ramen noodles. They don't look particularly appetizing to me and i've never been offered any. Do they really live up to their reputation?

  6. I love Ramen. Its cheap, easy to make, and doesn't taste that bad. What more could I ask for?

  7. Do you need cook Ramen noodles? I see my roommates eat them as soon as open it all the time. Maybe they are just being lazy. By the way, cup noodles are horrible here. My roommates once tried cup noodles I brought from China. They are impressed. I am also impressed by the way they react to cup noodlies.

  8. I must say, I have never heard someone say they did not like Ramen, or Ramen needs more to it. I think the noodles and the little seasoning pack brings everything our taste buds need for a quick meal like Ramen.

    Michael Miller

  9. I've been eating cup noodle the past couple weeks as my snakes. I don't really like the taste of the Ramen, as well as the hard texture of the noodle. Anyway, the fast noodle is not healthy.

  10. They might not be very healthy, but they are so easy to make, how could you not like Ramen noodles. Plus, you can really add whatever you want to them. I am definitely a fan of Ramen noodles.

  11. Hoho, you can get some good Ramen in farmer's market. There are some of my favourite Ramen brands back in China but it;s really hard to find such delicious ramen in US

  12. This was similar to something our group did with our final project. I've actually never had Ramen either but I eat this other brand of instant noodles called Maggi.
